7. Short description of the overall PV strategy
The vision and general objectives of the policies on research, experimental development and innovation (R&D&I) for our country during the period 2021-2027 have recently been included in the Spanish Strategy for Science and Technology and Innovation 2021-2027, which constitutes the reference framework in the field of research and innovation, and in which the National Plans for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research corresponding to the periods 2021-2023 and 2024-2027 will be articulated, as well as the different regional plans in R&D&I.
Among the strategic lines identified in the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy, Climate, Energy and Mobility have been outlined covering: 1) Sustainable mobility 2) Climate change and decarbonization 2) Sustainable cities and ecosystems and 3) Energy transition.
In the financing and management of the National Plans for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research, the State Agency for Research (Agency-AEI) and the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), assigned to the Ministry of Science and Innovation, play a key role.
Main R&I funding programmes managed by CDTI and the State Agency for Research, are open to all renewable technologies, including photovoltaic technologies (No RTD lines predefined, no pre-selected technologies).
R&D&I priorities from the National Energy and Climate Plan are:
• Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and improvement of energy efficiency focusing efforts on the residential, commercial and service sectors, in transport and in the industrial sector, as well as in electricity generation, which will be 100% renewable in 2050.
• Increasing the share of renewable energies in the use of energy through innovation in renewable technologies, including development of storage systems and the digitalization of the electrical system, for the achievement of a more decentralized, secure, flexible and resilient system.
Regarding the Next Gen EU funds, Spain has established that around a 40% of investments will be devoted to Ecological Transition. Funds will be mobilised through different initiatives and instruments, such as the Strategic projects for economic recovery and transformation (PERTE) or the complementary plans, a result of the coordination between regional and national administrations.
Recently a new PERTE on renewable energies, renewable hydrogen and storage has been launched. The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge plans that the bulk of the aid lines and actions will be available between 2022 and 2023 and will be launched through competitive calls to finance the best projects. The aim of this PERTE is to underpin the areas associated with the energy transition in which Spain is well positioned, such as renewable energies, power electronics, storage or renewable hydrogen, and to reinforce those areas with less presence. The PERTE includes a line of action focused on fostering R&D&I activities.